Critters N Clay
Feed Thumper the Bunny, teach a trick to George the dog, hold Brownie a guinea pig, have a turtle race, see a tarantula and more! Our critter class is a fun way to see, talk about and learn about some of the cutest critters. We will even take short walks on the playground looking for critters that live at our school! We will learn interesting facts about a different critter each week and then sculpt it out of clay. Basic sculpting techniques will be taught to assist in these future family heirlooms. Things to see, things to make and things to take home! If you love animals you will love this class!
Bug Biology
Tarantulas, Scorpions and Bugs, oh my! There are over one million different kinds of insects and almost as many fun facts. Students will go on bug hunts, dissect a grasshopper and tarantula, learn which of the following is actually an insect -- spiders, scorpions, crickets, or crabs. And compare their own athletic abilities to those of crickets. Meet our live insect family and hold some if you dare!!
Marine Biology
Students will get to dissect their own squid, hold a starfish, see what is inside a clam shell and feel what it's like to stick their hand in a jellyfish!! These are just a few of the cool things we will explore in Marine Biology. We will begin with the "perfect" predator - sharks! Their ability to hunt has earned them a top seat on the marine food chain. Why are they so good at what they do? We will discover how many senses a shark has and how they use them to catch their prey. Students will perform experiments to see how their own senses match up to sharks! We will hold a real shark and learn how it's anatomy assists in their hunting ability. We will analyze why surfers are mistaken for seals and have a surfboard design competition. Of course we will see, hold and touch several marine animals during our marine exploration. Dive into class to learn more!